Our Safety Policy

It is the policy of Phuket Crew Service to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all employees working for the company and other persons who may be affected by our undertakings.

Phuket Crew Service acknowledges that the key to successful health and safety management requires an effective policy, organisation and arrangements, which reflect the commitment of senior management. To maintain that commitment, we will continually measure, monitor and revise where necessary, an annual plan to ensure that health and safety standards are adequately maintained.

Gareth Turner will implement the company’s health and safety policy and recommend any changes to meet new circumstances. Phuket Crew Service recognises that successful health and safety management contributes to successful business performance and will allocate adequate finances and resources to meet these needs.

The management of Phuket Crew Service looks upon the promotion of health and safety measures as a mutual objective for themselves and employees. It is therefore, the policy of management to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and damage to property. Also, the organisation aims to protect everyone, including visitors and members of the public, insofar as they come into contact with our activities, from any foreseeable hazard or danger.

All employees have duties under the NATIONAL HEALTH SECURITY ACT B.E.2545 (A.D.2002) and are informed of their personal responsibilities to take due care of the health and safety of themselves and to ensure that they do not endanger other persons by their acts or omissions. Employees are also informed that they must co-operate with the organisation in order that it can comply with the legal requirements placed upon it and in the implementation of this policy.  Phuket Crew Service will ensure continued consultation with the workforce to enable all viewpoints and recommendations to be discussed at regular intervals.

The organisation will ensure a systematic approach to identifying hazards, assessing the risks, determining suitable and sufficient control measures and informing employees of the correct procedures needed to maintain a safe working environment.

We will provide, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe places and systems of work, safe plant and machinery, safe handling of materials and substances, the provision of adequate safety equipment and ensure that appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision is given.

We regard all health and safety legislation as the minimum standard and expect management to achieve their targets without compromising health and safety.

The blueprint we are follow:

Thailand Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Public Organization)  T-OSH is the first Public Organization under supervision of Ministry of Labour, Thailand. TOSH was established on 22nd May, 2015 by the Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Act B.E. 2554 (A.D. 2011), in Chapter 7 Section 52.

      Occupational Safety, Health and Environment ACT B.E. 2554 (A.D. 2011) dated January 17, 2554, which was effective from July 16, 2011 results in rapid activities to be proceeded and establishment of  the system to cover various regulations.  Especially the clause 52 of this act enforces to establish the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health within one year. The Institute for the purpose of promoting occupational safety, health and environment shall have powers and duties as follows:

(1) To promote and solve problems concerning with occupational safety, health and environment;

(2) To develop and support the preparation of standards to promote occupational safety, health and environment;

(3) To operate, promote, support and jointly operate with agencies on occupational safety, health and environment, both from public and private sectors;

(4) To conduct a research, study on promotion of occupational safety, health and environment, both on personnel and technical development;

(5) Any other powers and duties as prescribed by the law.

Benefits Of Establishing Thailand Institute Of Occupational Safety And Health For The Government

To be the proactive main authority of concrete responsibility for the government’s policies and to have communication flow between related organizations.

To have a basic structure of service center for efficient and standard exchanging and using information.

To decrease the overlapping budget and increase organizational transparency through resource sharing and management.

To produce research and development network related to occupational safety, health and environment.

To promote the machinery of government to produce a management system that could reduce occupational injuries and illnesses.

To reduce economic burdens and impacts of occupational injuries and illnesses on the society.

Public Benefits Of Establishing Thailand Institute Of Occupational Safety And Health

Workers are well and systematically taken care of their safety and health by TOSH.

Reduce accident in workplace and improve occupational safety, health and environment in Thailand to meet universal standard.

Reduce inequality of access to transparent and equitable government safety services.

The standard working environment is applied to all workers and safety culture is established.

Workers are able to access to information of safety, health and environment.

Workers possess knowledge of and adherence to self-care regarding dangers and  diseases in workplace.

Reduce family and social burden of injuries, disabilities and loss of limb.

Authority Of TOSH

To promote and solve problems concerning occupational safety, health and environment;

To develop and support the preparation of standards to promote occupational safety, health and environment;

To operate, promote, support and jointly operate with agencies on occupational safety, health and environment, both from public and private sectors;

To arrange a research, study on promotion of occupational safety, health and environment, both on personnel and technical development;

To develop knowledge and build innovations for occupational safety, health and environment.

To provide academic-, technology transfer services and instructional media about occupational safety, health and environment.


“Promote safety culture for healthy worker society within year 2036”


Provide research service and preparation for statistics in order to meet the universal standards of occupational safety, health and environment.

Develop knowledge, innovation, academic service and personnel in the occupational safety, health and environment field to support the missions associated with human resources and national development.

Encourage working society to have safe environment in workplace and collaborate with organizational network to work efficiently in harmony regarding occupational safety, health and environment to benefit employees and to support development of the country.

Promote safety culture.

Create systematic work and organizational arrangements to drive TOSH’s strategies.


Have a standard of promoting occupational safety, health and environment management towards sustainable business operations through public participation

Development of occupational safety personnel, who connect with industrial sector and educational institution, which meet the target industry according to the Thailand 4.0 policy

Academic service in targeted areas by cooperation with agreed efficient service network

Workers have an awareness of the importance of accident prevention which can lead to a behavioral safety in workplace.

TOSH is an outstanding organization in aspects of learning, modernity and operation through good governance.